Understanding the types of retinopathy can help protect your vision and maintain your eye health. Read about their causes, symptoms and treatments and how they are diagnosed.
Central serous retinopathy is the buildup of fluid under the retina resulting in distorted, blurry central vision in one or both eyes.
The HIV virus attacks the immune system, which can greatly affect the eyes. One may develop HIV retinopathy and other eye conditions when HIV is present.
Hypertensive retinopathy is when high blood pressure damages the eye. Learn about the causes of hypertensive retinopathy and how to prevent and treat it.
Retinopathy is any disease of the retina of the eye. The word retinopathy also describes damage to the retina from other diseases, such as diabetes or hypertension.
Retinopathy of prematurity affects low birthweight, premature babies. Featured on
Valsalva retinopathy occurs when the Valsalva maneuver is performed in such a force that it bursts a retinal blood vessel.
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