Eye Problems: Symptoms from A to Z

Eye Problems: Symptoms from A to Z

Is something wrong with your eyes? Find symptoms in the list below, then look to the right for associated eye problems and diseases. To learn more, click on the eye problem or disease for a pop-up window with a definition and links.

Please note: The information on this page is not intended as a diagnosis of your problem, but rather as a helpful guide. Please see your eye doctor for diagnosis and treatment if you suspect you have an eye or vision problem.



Possible eye problem or disease

Absence of eye or eyes


Blinking, frequent

blepharospasm, contact lens problem, dry eye syndrome, foreign body, hemifacial spasm, stroke

Blinking, infrequent

Parkinson's disease

Bloodshot eye

See red, or pink eye

Blurred vision, distance

myopia. See also blurred vision

Blurred vision, general

accommodative disorder, albinism, amblyopia, aniridia, asteroid hyalosis, astigmatism, cataracts, central serous retinopathy, computer vision syndrome, contact lens problem, corneal abrasion, corneal dystrophy, corneal erosion, cranial nerve palsy, drugs, epiretinal membrane, eye tumor, foreign body, fungal keratitis eye infection, glaucoma, hypotony, keratoconus, lens dislocation, macular degeneration, meibomianitis, migraine, neuroretinitis, nystagmus, ophthalmoplegia, optic nerve problem, orbital cellulitis, photokeratitis, pterygium, retinal detachment, retinitis, retinoschisis, scleritis, surgery, trauma, uveitis, vascular problem, vitreous hemorrhage, white dot syndrome

Blurred vision, near

diabetic retinopathy, hyperopia, presbyopia. See also: blurred vision, general.
Bulging eyecavernous sinus problem, eye tumor, glaucoma, Graves' ophthalmology, histiocytosis, mucormycosis, optic nerve problem, orbital cellulitis, orbital pseudotumor, trauma, vascular problem. See also: small eye.

Bump on eye (any color)

papilloma, pinguecula, pterygium.
Bump on eyelid (any color)chalazion, milia, eyelid papilloma, skin cancer, xanthelasma.
Burning eye(s)blepharitis, blepharoconjunctivitis, computer vision syndrome, conjunctivitis, contact lens problem, cranial nerve palsy, dry eye syndrome, environmental condition, meibomianitis, rheumatoid arthritis , Sjogren's syndrome, trauma. See also: eye pain or discomfort.


Possible eye problem or disease

Close appearance of  object that is actually farther away


Cloud shape in vision

See floater in vision

Clouding of the eye's surface

fungal keratitis eye infection

Clump shape in vision

See floater in vision

Color vision problem

cataract, color blindness, drugs, neuroretinitis, optic nerve problem, white dot syndrome.

Crossed eyes

cranial nerve palsy, strabismuscrusty eyelid, blepharitis

Depth perception problem

anophthalmos, blurred vision (in one eye), cranial nerve palsy, strabismus.

Differing prescriptions in eyes



canaliculitis, conjunctivitis, contact lens problem, dacryocystitisdacryostenosis, foreign body, fungal keratitis eye infection, overflow tearing, rheumatoid arthritis, Sjogren's syndrome.

Distorted vision

astigmatism, keratoconus, macular degeneration, metamorphopsia, migraine, ocular migraine.
Double vision (diplopia)

accommodative disorder, asitigmatism, cranial nerve palsy, diabetic retinopathy, eye tumor, Graves' ophthalmology, keratoconus, lens dislocation, myasthenia gravis, ophthalmoplegia, pseudotumor, stroke, trauma, vascular problem, vergence disorder. See also: shadow on letters

Droopy eyelid

blepharochalasis, dermatochalasis, ptosis.

blepharitis, dry skin.

Dry eye

blepharitis, blepharoconjunctivitis, computer vision syndrome, conjunctivitis, cranial nerve palsy, dacryoadenitis, drugs, dry eye syndrome, environmental condition, meibomianitis, rheumatoid arthritis, sarcoidosis, Sjogren's syndrome, trauma.



Possible eye problem or disease

Eyelash loss


Eyelash particles

atypical blepharitis, pediculosis (eyelash lice)

Eyelid cleft

coloboma, trauma

Eyelid turns in


Eyelid turns out


Eyes are different colors


Eyes don't point in same direction

cranial nerve palsy, strabismus

Eye strain

accommodative disorder, astigmatism, computer vision syndrome, convergence insufficiency, divergence insufficiency, hyperopia, myopia, presbyopia

Far appearance of object that is actually closer


Floater in vision

Foreign body sensation (feels like something is in the eye)band keratopathy, blepharitis, contact lens problem, corneal abrasion, corneal dystrophy, corneal edema, corneal erosion, dry eye syndrome, entropion, eye tumor, foreign body (corneal or conjunctival), keratitis, pterygium (inflamed), Sjogren's syndrome, surgery, stye, trauma. See also: eye pain or discomfort


See: light sensitivity


blepharitis, corneal abrasion, dry eye syndrome, keratitis (including radiation (UV) keratitis)



Possible eye problem or disease

Halos around lights

cataract, corneal edema, corneal opacity, drugs, glaucoma, migraine, ocular migraine

Iris defect

aniridia, coloboma, eye tumor (iris), surgery, trauma

Itchy eyesallergy, conjunctivitis, contact lens problem, dry eye syndrome, entropion, pterygium (inflamed), Sjogren's syndrome

Large appearance of objects that are actually smaller


Lazy eye


Lesions on the surface of the eye

fungal keratitis eye infection

Light flashes

photopsia, migraine, ocular migraine, retinal detachment, retinal tearvitreous detachment

Light sensitivity

fungal keratitis eye infection, photophobia

Lights, halos around

See: halos



Possible eye problem or disease

Movement of eyelid, limited ability

cranial nerve palsy, eye tumor (orbital), trauma (orbital fracture)

Movement of eyes, involuntary

nystagmus, opsoclonus

Movement of eyes, limited ability

cranial nerve palsy, eye tumor (orbital), Graves' ophthalmology, ophthalmoplegia, Parinaud dorsal midbrain syndrome, stroke, trauma

Night vision problem

night myopiaretinitis pigmentosa

Pain or discomfort around eyes

blepharoconjunctivitis, eye tumor (orbital), orbital pseudotumor (inflammatory), sinusitis, trauma

Pain or discomfort in eye

blepharitis, blepharoconjunctivitis, chalazion, conjunctivitis, contact lens problem, corneal abrasion, corneal dystrophy, corneal edema, corneal erosion, corneal ulcer, dacryocystitis, dry eye syndrome, ectropion, endophthalmitis, entropion, episcleritis, eye tumor, foreign body, fungal keratitis eye infection, glaucoma, Graves' ophthalmology, hypotony, keratitis, migraine, mucormycosis, neuroretinitis, ophthalmoplegia, optic nerve problem, orbital cellulitis, photokeratitis, scleritis, sinusitis, stye, surgery, trauma, uveitis, vascular problem. See also: burning, foreign body sensation

Pain or discomfort, eyelid

blepharitis, chalazion, ectropion, entropion, eye tumor (lid), orbital cellulitis, stye

Peripheral vision problem

anophthalmos. See also: vision loss, peripheral vision loss

Pupil, large (dilated)

cranial nerve palsy, drugs, trauma

Pupil, small

Argyll Robertson pupil, drugs, Horner's syndrome

Pupils, different sized

anisocoria. See also: pupil, large and pupil, small (above)

Pupil unresponsiveness to light

Argyll Robertson pupil, cranial nerve palsy, drugs, glaucoma, optic nerve problem, Parinaud dorsal midbrain syndrome, tonic pupil, trauma, uveitis

Pupil, white

See: spot on eye, white or cloudy (below)



Possible eye problem or disease

Red or pink eye

allergy, blepharoconjunctivitis, canaliculitis, cavernous sinus problem, computer vision syndrome, conjunctivitis, contact lens problem, corneal abrasion, corneal ulcer, dacryocystitis, dry eye syndrome, ectropion, endophthalmitis, entropion, episcleritis, eye tumor, foreign body, fungal keratitis eye infection, glaucoma, Graves' ophthalmology, meibomianitis, pterygium, scleritis, subconjunctival hemorrhage, surgery, uveitis, vascular problem

Red or pink eyelid

blepharitis, blepharoconjunctivitis, contact lens problem, dacryoadenitis, ectropion, lupus erythematosus, meibomianitis, orbital cellulitis, stye, vascular birthmark. See also: spot on eyelid, colored (below)

Shadow in vision

macular degeneration, retinal detachment. See also: floater in vision (above)

Shadow on letters

astigmatism, macular degeneration. See also: double vision (above)

Small appearance of objects that are actually larger


Small eye

enophthalmosmicrophthalmia, ptosis. See also: bulging eye (above)


See: eye twitching (above)

Speck in vision

See: floater in vision (above)

Spot in vision

cataract. See also: floater in vision, vision loss

Spot on eye, brown

melanosis, nevus, skin cancer

Spot on eye, red or pink

See: red or pink eye (above)

Spot on eye, white or cloudy

cataract, corneal edema, corneal opacity, corneal ulcer, eye tumor (intraocular), leukocoria, pinguecula, pterygium. See also: white ring/bow around iris (below)

Spot on eye, yellow

pinguecula. See also: yellow eyes

Spot on eyelid, colored

eye tumor, liver spot, lupus erythematosus, melanosis, nevus, papilloma, pediculosis, skin cancer, xanthelasma. See also: red or pink eyelid (above)

Squiggle in vision

metamorphopsia. See also: floater in vision (above)


accommodation disorder, amblyopia, hyperopia, myopia, photophobia, presbyopia, uveitis, vergence disorder. See also: light sensitivity (above)

Sticky eyes

allergy, blepharitis, blepharoconjunctivitis, conjunctivitis, dacryocystitis, dacryostenosis

Straight lines appear wavy, curved or bent


Swelling, around eyes

dacryoadenitis, dacryocystitis, eye tumor, orbital cellulitis, sinusitis, trauma

Swelling, eye

chemosis, fungal keratitis eye infection, trauma

Swelling, eyelid

allergy, blepharitis, canaliculitis, chalazion, contact lens problem, dacryoadenitis, eye tumor, meibomianitis, orbital cellulitis, sinusitis, stye, trauma, vascular problem



Possible eye problem or disease


allergy, blepharitis, blepharoconjunctivitis, chalazion, conjunctivitis, corneal abrasion, corneal dystrophy, corneal ulcer, cranial nerve palsy, dacryocystitis, dacryostenosis, dry eye syndrome, entropion, environmental condition, episcleritis, foreign body, fungal keratitis eye infection, keratitis, overflow tearing, scleritis, stye, trauma, uveitis

Tired eyes

See: eye strain (above)

Tunnel vision

See: vision loss, peripheral

Twitching (tic)

blepharospasm, hemifacial spasm, myokymia

Vision improvement, temporary


Vision loss, central

central serous retinopathy, choroidal neovascularization, epiretinal membrane, macular degeneration, macular hole, migraine, neuroretinitis, optic nerve problem, vascular problem, white dot syndrome

Vision loss, general

albinism, amblyopia, band keratopathy, cavernous sinus problem, corneal dystrophy, corneal edema, corneal opacity, cranial nerve palsy, diabetic retinopathy, drugs, endophthalmitis, entropion, eye tumor, foreign body, fungal keratitis eye infection, Graves' ophthalmology, lead poisoning, Leber's congenital amaurosis, lens dislocation, migraine, mucormycosis, neuroretinitis, optic nerve problem, orbital cellulitis, Patau syndrome, photokeratitis, pseudotumor cerebri, retinal detachment, retinitis, stroke, surgery, Tay-Sachs disease, toxocariasis, trauma, vascular problem, vitreous hemorrhage, white dot syndrome

Vision loss, peripheral

drugs, glaucoma, migraine, ocular migraine, optic nerve problem, retinitis, retinitis pigmentosa



Possible eye problem or disease

Wall-eyed (eye turned towards ear)

cranial nerve palsy, strabismus

Watering eyes

See: tearing (above)

Wavy lines in vision

metamorphopsia, migraine, ocular migraine. See also: floater in vision (above)

White ring around iris


White spot on eye

See: spot on eye, white or cloudy (above)

Yellow eyes


Yellow spot on eye

See: spot on eye, yellow (above)

Zigzag in vision

See: floater in vision, wavy lines in vision (above)

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